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Electric wall heating in the bedroom

Electric wall heating in the bedroom

We recently had the pleasure of completing the installation of an electric wall heating system in Warsaw. This project was special due to the high requirements of the client - both in terms of aesthetics and functionality. We present the details of our implementation and the solutions used.
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I installed modern electric heating in the bathroom

I installed modern electric heating in the bathroom

Thanks to our authorized installer PRO RAYCHEM, the ugly tubular radiators on which towels used to be dried are also disappearing from bathrooms. Today they are being replaced by convenient and invisible electric wall heating. Thanks to this, finishing the room with marble is even more impressive.
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Heating mat on the wall is becoming the standard

Heating mat on the wall is becoming the standard

Instalace topné rohože pod dlažbu nezahrnuje pouze podlahu. Instalace může být umístěna také na stěně vaší koupelny. Toto řešení umožňuje lépe vytápět malé místnosti, kde by typický systém elektrického podlahového vytápění nemusel být schopen vytopit celou koupelnu.
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